Myths - bilingual education
Julia Mäder BoulangerShare
5 myths about bilingual and multilingual children!
#1 Every language has an equal opportunity to be learned? FALSE.
In reality, society has a huge impact on the ease and effort required for a child to learn a language. Languages that are not commonly used where the child grows up will need more support.
#2 Learning several languages at once is too difficult for a child's brain? FALSE.
With the right strategy and the right ingredients, all children can naturally learn several languages at the same time.
#3 Bilingual children can't distinguish their languages? FALSE.
Babies already use sound and visual cues to distinguish their languages. Children know how to use their languages differently; they quickly learn to use the right language with the right person.
#4 Parents must separate languages to avoid confusion? FALSE.
Children organize their languages from an early age. Hearing two languages from the same person and/or in the same context will not lead to confusion.
#5 A child who mixes languages is lazy or confused? FALSE.
Children who mix languages use all their language resources to express themselves.